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Pakistan Television How did PTV win and lose

 Pakistan Television How did PTV win and lose

Pakistan Television: How did PTV win and lose
Pakistan Television: How did PTV win and lose

The creative mind of Scottish scientist John Logie Baird was to think that if sound could be transmitted from one place to another on the fault of the air, why not a picture.

A curiosity arose in them and they locked themselves in a room with some essentials. And decided that they would only die after resolving this entanglement.

After much mental effort and experimentation, John Logie Baird finally succeeded, and he stunned the world by inventing the television.

He became the inventor of the television on January 26, 1926, after which other scientists modified his invention.

Launch of Pakistan Television

PTV got the best team led by Aslam Azhar

There is a clear difference of 38 years between the invention of television in the world and the beginning of television in Pakistan. TV was invented in 1926, but TV broadcasting in Pakistan started on January 26, 1964.

At that time, the country was ruled by President General Muhammad Ayub Khan, and during one of his visits to Japan, he was greatly impressed by the development of television. So he decided to make the people of Pakistan aware of this important invention of the twentieth century. Was chosen for

This was the time when film was being made in Lahore, radio broadcasts were also popular among the people and the best work was being done on theater on non-professional basis. Although television was a medium with different techniques but to decorate the screen A large contingent of actors, vocalists, singers, musicians, composers, directors and technicians was ready here.

Initially, the purpose of launching PTV was to connect, connect and get to know the people of the provinces. In addition, educational goals were driven, but teams from Japan and other countries suggested that this medium should be made a source of wider interest instead of limiting it, and that entertainment should also be given prominence on Pakistani television screens so that the country's culture To promote entertainment to the people through programs.

In April 1964, the then government set up a television planning cell and Aslam Azhar was appointed the first program director of Pakistan Television with extensive experience in radio and theater. But there was a problem. He was unfamiliar with TV medium.

He was joined by Fazal Kamal of Radio Pakistan, Zaka Durrani of Karachi Arts Council and Nisar Hussain, who is familiar with production work on Iranian television.

Within months of the inauguration of the country's first TV center in 1964, Aslam Azhar's team succeeded in introducing state TV.

Although PTV suffered from inconvenience, lack of experience and facilities, professionalism at work continued to improve over time.

Initially, PTV Lahore Center did not even have the facility to record its own building. Therefore, the risk of live transmissions was taken.

Every program was shown live on the TV screen and there was a possibility of any mistake but in the face of the spirit of perfection every obstacle was removed.

Tariq aziz show PTV
Tariq aziz show PTV

The first transmission and new talent

People still remember that during the early transmissions of PTV  it was like a festival in Lahore.

The people of Lahore were eager to welcome this new invention of 'talking pictures'. Buyers of TV sets stormed the city's electronics markets, antennas were being installed on rooftops, and countless people could not afford to buy a TV. He visited relatives and neighbors to benefit from the new invention.

The first announcer of Pakistan Television Tariq Aziz appeared on the screen and greeted the viewers of PTV in his unique style.

On the occasion of the first transmission on January 26, at 3:30 pm, the President of Pakistan inaugurated the PTV transmissions and with that, the broadcasting of PTV started. Qari Ali Hussain Siddiqui was the first person to appear on the PTV screen. After that Zaka Durrani gave an informative speech regarding PTV after which the first announcer of Pakistan Television Tariq Aziz appeared on the screen and greeted the viewers of PTV in his unique style.

Many programs have already been presented. In the short duration transmission, children's program, puppet show and folk music program were presented in which Sai Akhtar and Tufail Niazi performed. The quiz program 'Bojho To Jaanein' was presented which was hosted by Ashfaq Ahmed. Apart from Tariq Aziz, Tufail Niazi, Sai Akhtar and Ashfaq Ahmed were also associated with PTV from its inception.

But the real work had jus t begun, because keeping the TV screen alive 24 hours a day and embellishing it with standard programs was a difficult step.

Fortunately for PTV, it had sincere and talented people from the beginning who proved that they can accomplish even the most difficult task with their skills and intentions.

PTV was on track and the country's best talent was striving for its success.

Kamal Ahmad Rizvi's 'Alif Noon' which became his favori

By the sixties and eighties, PTV had flourished in every field.

But then came the long-running game. Muhammad Nisar Hussain made a name for himself in these teleplays. He produced plays with the best stories of his life in his tele dramas.

These long-running games can also be called telefilms. Viewers were convinced of Muhammad Nisar Hussain's talent and artistic prowess, but neighboring country Muhammad Nisar Hussain's long-running sports made Bollywood an art film.

The parallel film in the region had a profound effect on the hearts and minds of the intellectuals with their stories, directing and performances close to this reality and they were fascinated by the same long plays of Muhammad Nisar Hussain and laid the foundation of art or parallel cinema in India. 

Naseer-ud-Din Shah ainak wala jin PTV
Naseer-ud-Din Shah ainak wala jin PTV

In the 90's, PTV's program called 'Ainak Wala Jin' was equally popular among children and adults.

When Naseer-ud-Din Shah came to Lahore, he openly stated that "the idea of ​​our parallel or art cinema was taken from the long running games of Pakistan Television in which the plays of Muhammad Nisar Hussain were prominent." The acknowledgment of this fact by a reputable actor was no less than an honor for Pakistan Television.

"Who knew that where art was being created today, dust would fly tomorrow?"

In the last decade of the last century, who did not know PTV?

The PTV Lahore Center building, corridors, producers' rooms, make-up rooms and studios were full of artists. Each studio had two to three sets of programs. One program after another was being recorded.

But what happened is that where producers like Yawar Hayat, Rashid Dar, Azam Khurshid, Muhammad Nisar Hussain, Ayub Khawar used to sit, now there are unknown Brahmins who do not have any big program to their credit.

The irony of time is that the scene still changes. Even if a great artist appears in the corridors, he has come there not to record a program but to get the compensation checks of previous years.

Artists' compensation checks have been stalled for years, leaving artists reluctant to turn to PTV, considering it a loss-making business.

On the other hand, the people have started ignoring their first favorite TV channel for its poor performance and its clear inclination is towards private channels.

On the other hand, governments do not consider it necessary to mention the destruction of PTV. PTV drama, music, stage shows and comedy shows all fall together.

PTV won and lost. He won this war in a world of extreme disadvantage and the loser is when he has the resources and if he wants he can use the existing talent but if he wants ...

Why did PTV win and lose, no secret is ready to reveal this secret because by revealing this secret he will not want to take risks but we can speculate that

1 - PTV loses first to Indian TV drama and later to Pakistani private drama?

2 - Content shown on state TV (PTV) fails miserably to capture the speed of time, needs, aesthetics and themes.

3- There is also an idea that stopping the successful advancement of PTV by the government is a matter of survival of private channels.

4 - Political parties hired people in PTV who were not eligible.

5 - Couldn't the quality be maintained with the retirement of old and experienced PTV producers?

6- Stopping payment of artistes' compensation is not a conspiracy to discourage artists from government TV channel?

Will state TV lag behind the fast paced life towards the future?

Let's just say that there are many factors that play a role in making PTV shine. The above facts cannot be denied.

But it cannot be denied that the biggest culprits in the decline of PTV screens are the political and dictatorial governments which have not fulfilled their responsibility to protect the national screen of PTV.

Governments had a duty to take steps to maintain the previous standard of PTV and reject the recommended elements, but this did not happen. Jobs were given to people in PTV who did not meet the educational standards and their mental inclination did not match with PTV productions.

In addition, it was an incompetent and criminal act of the governments to stop the payment of compensation to these individuals or artists in a government-sponsored institution.

The notion that if the quality of PTV was maintained, the opportunities for private channels to flourish would be lost as new channels would be in direct competition with government channels like PTV whose experience and rigor There was no doubt and behind every private TV channel there are people who are directly related to the governments and the decision making forces.

Pakistani television, film and radio artist Irfan Khost has a strong artistic background and he got his acting skills from his late father Sultan Khost who was a famous artist of his time.

At present, Irfan Khost's son Sarmad Khost is also involve

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