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Climate change is destroying us

 Climate change is destroying us 

Climate change is destroying us
Climate change is destroying is

Our planet, which has existed for billions of years, has undergone tremendous changes. It has sometimes been a hot gas balloon and sometimes it has been covered with ice for millions of years. This turbulent history has had a profound effect on its inhabitants in every age. The rise and fall of its temperature has always affected the flora, fauna and human history hereAffected. During the last four million years, although the temperature was four to eight degrees lower than today, but many times higher periods came. These changes have always affected the rainfall system, changing the shape of vast deserts and creating lush green fields. 

The icebergs melted, raising the sea level, causing floods, and then turning the oceans into barren plains. These prehistoric changes continue to determine where forests and edible plants can grow and where shepherds can finally find greenery. Plants, animals and human populations of every age continue to adapt to new environments. Keep migrating and keep dying. One hundred and sixty thousand years ago, a great event took place and man, persecuted by nature, decided to move out of Africa. Human populations came out of Africa and began to spread all over the world. Travel to the Nile and the eastern Mediterranean Thousands of years later, a group of them left Africa and migrated to the Arabian Peninsula via Bab al-Mandeb. It is said that all human beings on the planet today are descendants of this group. Entered Asia. A few thousand years later, a group of them did not even like the place and packed their bags for the regions of Southeast Asia and China. And finally reached the United States. The main reason for this difficult journey of man spanning tens of thousands of years was the various climatic changes taking place on this planet and this climate change has become a special topic once again for the last few years. The world's major universities are conducting research on climate change and global warming, holding conferences and seminars, and reaching agreements to protect the planet from the devastating effects of severe climate change

Environmental scientists
Environmental scientists 

Environmental scientists agree that global temperatures are expected to rise by 4.5 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit in the next century, leading to severe climate change. According to scientists, climate change has been a feature of this planet and since its inception there have been numerous changes but its speed has been very slow. Growth has accelerated to about 2% due to climate changeThere is a big reason. 

In October last year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a report calling for global temperatures to be limited to 7.5 degrees Celsius. However, according to a recent study, the last four yearsAfter a decrease in carbon dioxide, it is now increasing again. At a conference on climate change in Poland in December, experts warned that the earth was at a "critical juncture". 

The damage can be gauged from the report, which said that climate change is increasing the threat to glaciers in the Himalayas and Hindu Kush. If the current rate of carbon dioxide emissions is not controlled, two-thirds of these glaciers could disappear. According to experts, the mountains of K2 and Mount Everest will turn into empty rocks in less than a century. Pollution and rising temperatures can accelerate the melting of ice. These changes will directly affect Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India, Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Nepal.

It should be noted that the Himalayan and Hindu Kush glaciers not only provide water to the world's most important rivers, the Indus, Ganges, Yellow, Mei Kang and Aravadi, but also provide food, energy, clean air and income for billions of people in the region. Another scientific study has revealed that 4% of the world's insects are at risk of extinction due to climate change. Insects are considered to be the key to human life and they cause 5% sprouting, fertilize the soil and control the number of harmful insects in it. These are just two catastrophic examples of climate change, the whole earth is currently under the influence of climate change, and the news of natural disasters related to it keeps coming up every day

Glogal warming vs climate change
Glogal warming vs climate change

COP 26 and Climate Change: What is the extent of US President Biden's power to save the planet?

In addition to natural causes, some of the major causes of climate change are due to man's own activities, for example, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and sea water is increasing rapidly due to coal, Energy is obtained by burning oil and gas. At the same time, man is relentlessly cutting down forests for agriculture or human settlement, and his industrial activities are increasing rapidly. Due to these factors, our air is getting polluted. 

According to the World Health Organization, one out of every nine deaths in the year is due to airborne diseases. Yes, about a year ago when mankind was learning the art of agricultureAt the time, 5% of its land was covered by forests, but now it has halved. At present, the world's population is said to be about seven and a half billion, which will increase to almost one billion. On the one hand, glaciers are melting, on the other hand, the population is growing relentlessly, as a result, basic needs like water are rapidly declining and it is being said that we will fight wars on water in the future. In addition, the use of nuclear energy is increasing rapidly, the usefulness of this energy is in place, but the radio waves emitted from it are poisoning our environment. Our cities are also expanding day by day, the migration of people to cities has increased rapidly after the Industrial Revolution and now the pollution caused by heavy traffic, vehicles and factories is creating environmental and health problems. But ... what should I do?

Everything that is happening needs time, it is a race of time, I have to run in it, I can't do anything alone in it, What I can do is very busy ... "These are the sentences that we often pay when we talk about the risks and effects of any global warming and environmental change. We are going to be done again in your work by saying a few words and do not think we are building for the wealth and forces for us and for the generations of breeds?

According to scientists, environmental change is from Azal and will continue to be overwhelming, but we can abstain its extent and over the effects of negative effects from its activities and work on emergency basis. We must first recognize that the environmental change is a problem and it is not just an institution,

government or scientist, but we will all solve together. We should definitely do some work, we should plant the plants in our homes where plants, where the sunlight is clean, keep the apps from home to the house and offices, cover the cure with the cover, use the water to wash the clothes, and make sure the engine is in good condition, make the charger of the bases of your mobile phones, and the new applications, do not turn on the use of plastic, and use environmental pollution and its effects, completely consist of a political and eradication, and finally take a governance to reduce the gas emissions of the gallery gas extracts and finally take steps to ensure that they are truly extraction.

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